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Chryse (Sissy) Hatzichristou is Professor of School Psychology and Chair of the Department of Psychology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She is the Director of the Graduate Program in School Psychology and Director of the Laboratory of School Psychology. She carried out her graduate studies at Harvard University, where she received her Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Development and her Doctoral Degree in School Psychology, University of California, Berkeley. She was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Scientific Associate at Max-Planck Institute for Human Development and Education in Berlin. She has worked in mental health centers and schools in the USA and Greece.

Dr.Hatzichristou has been recently elected as a member of the Executive Board of Trainers of School Psychologists, USA and President-elect of the International School Psychology Association. She is member of the Graduate Education Committee of the National Association of School Psychologists, USA and a Board member of the International Institute of School Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara. She also received the ISPA Outstanding International Scholar Award (2010) and the ISPA Presidential Citation Awards (2016 and 2017). She has previously served as an elected member and co-chair of the Committee of International Relations in Psychology of the American Psychological Association (APA),Secretary of the Executive Committee of the International School Psychology Association,chair of the Globalization Working Group of School Psychology Division of APA and member of Crossing Cultures and Continents Task Force of the National Association of School Psychologists, USA. She was Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 28th International School Psychology Conference (2005, Athens) organized by the Department of Psychology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in collaboration with the International School Psychology Association.

She was a member of the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Psychological Society and Coordinator of the Division of School Psychology of the Hellenic Psychological Society. She was Chair of the Organizing Committee of the 1st Panhellenic School Psychology Conference (Athens, 2015) and of the 1st and 2nd School of School Psychology (Spetses, 2010, Athens, 2014).

Her primary research interests include resilience promotion in school communities, psychosocial adjustment of vulnerable and at-risk groups, crisis intervention, school-based consultation, evidence-based interventions in schools and cross-cultural and transnational issues in school psychology training and practice. During the last twenty years she has been instrumental in efforts connecting theory, research and school-based practice (prevention and intervention evidence-based programs) for supporting children’s learning, psychosocial adjustment and promotion of resilience in schools, including collaborations among Universities, communities, schools and professional associations at a national and international level.

She has numerous publications in Greek and international scientific journals and books. Some of her books are: Hatzichristou, C. (2015). Prevention and promotion of mental health in school and family. Athens: Gutenberg, Hatzichristou, C. (2015).Parental separation, divorce and children. Children’sadjustment in binuclear family and school. Athens: Pedio, Hatzichristou, C.(2014).Cοunseling and Consultation  in the School Community. Athens: Tipothito, Hatzichristou, C. (2011) Handbook of School Psychology.Athens:Tipothito, Hatzichristou, C. (Ed,2011a,b,c), Social and Emotional Learning in School: Program for the Promotion of Mental Health in the School Community. Athens: Tipothito, Hatzichristou, C. (Ed, 2012), Crisis Intervention in the School Community.Athens:Gutenberg.

She has also participated in numerous international research projects, resulting in multiple conference presentations and publications with colleagues from different countries. She has been co-editor of journal special issues regarding international approaches in school psychology training and practice (special issue on Academic and Professional Preparation of School and Educational Psychologists: International Perspectives with Prof. Tom Oakland as co-editor and special issue on  Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Training, Intervention and Research Worldwide with Prof.Maurice Elias as co-editor), and co-editor of the International Handbook of Consultation in Educational Settings (with Prof. Sylvia Rosenfield, published in 2017 by Taylor & Francis) and the forthcoming Handbook of School Psychology in a Global Context (with Prof. Bonnie Nastasi, to be published by Springer).

Office: cell 504
Office hours:
 Tuesday 12:00-14:00, Wednesday 13:00-14:00
Telephone: +302107277528

Personal website: http://www.shatzichristou.website