Home » Research » Laboratories » Laboratory of Psychometrics "I. N. Paraskevopoulos"

The Laboratory of Psychometrics "I. N. Paraskevopoulos" has evolved from the Psychometric Laboratory, which was established in 1999. Since 2015 it operates as an interdepartmental laboratory in collaboration with the Psychology Division of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology.

The aims of the Psychometric Laboratory are:

  • To develop and standardize psychometric tools, as well as procedures for the assessment of personality, skills, interests, emotions and behaviours in both children and adults.
  • To train students on issues related to psychometric and psychodiagnostic methods.
  • To provide students with the facilities to conduct research programs related to psychometry-psychodiagnostics.

The Psychometric Laboratory is located on the 5th floor of the School of Philosophy (office 524).