Dr Diamanto Filippatou is currently an Associate Professor of Learning Disabilities in the Department of Psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds a BA (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology (major Psychology), an MEd. in Special Education and a PhD in Educational Psychology and Special Education (Victorian University of Manchester, UK). She has rich clinical experience in mental health in Greece in diagnostic assessment of pupils’ educational needs (1995-2005 “Spyros Doxiadis” Diagnostic and Therapeutic Unit for Children, Athens) and extensive teaching experience in higher education (1996-1997 Democritus University of Thrace, 1998-2019, University of Thessaly). She has led and participated in national research projects in Special Education and Educational Psychology and in teacher training programs regarding Learning Disabilities and Differentiated Instruction. She has been the Coordinator of School Psychology Division of the Hellenic Psychology Society from 2011-2019 and she is currently an elected member of the Executive Committee of the Hellenic Psychological Society. She has many publications in Greek and international scientific journals and conference proceedings. Her research interests focus on Learning Disabilities in reading and writing, assessment of educational needs, psychosocial adjustment in school setting, differentiated instruction and inclusive education.
Office: cell 505
Office hours: Monday 13:00-14:00 and Tuesday 11;00-12:00
Phone: +302107277529
E-mail: filipd@psych.uoa.gr