Dr. Eleni Vousoura is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychopathology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She holds an MA in psychology in education (personality and psychopathology track) from Teachers College, NY. She completed a 5-year, APA-accredited, doctoral training program in Clinical Psychology at Columbia University, New York. Her doctoral dissertation investigated the impact of psychological distress among mothers of young children aged 0-5 on child health and nutritional status in rural, low-resource areas in sub-Saharan Africa.
Her scholarly interests lie in the understanding, prevention, assessment, and treatment of common mental health disorders in at risk, underserved populations globally. She specializes in women’s mental health, particularly the prevention, assessment, and treatment of perinatal mental health disorders. She conducts research on women’s reproductive health issues, the impact of parental psychopathology on parent-child attachment and child adjustment, youth mental health, mental health of immigrants and refugees, the influence of culture on psychopathology, psychotherapy process and research outcome, and meta-analytic methodology.
She has participated in a range of international research projects focusing on underserved populations and has published numerous peer-reviewed articles. She is an editorial board member in peer-reviewed journals and a peer reviewer in several international and Greek scientific journals. She is a founding member of the Greek Association for Women’s Mental Health and a member of several scientific associations. She is a scientific collaborator of the Women’s Mental Health Clinic at Eginition Hospital, First Department of Psychiatry, and the Global Mental Health Lab at Columbia University. Her clinical training is broad-based, ranging from community and college counseling settings to hospital outpatient clinics and inpatient medical and psychiatric facilities.
Office: cell 544
Tel.: 2107277724
E-mail: evousoura[at]psych.uoa[dot]gr
URL: http://users.uoa.gr/~evousoura/
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eleni-Vousoura
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3212-8207
Office hours: Tuesday 11:00-12:00
Supervision hours: Tuesday 12:00-14:00 (only by apt.)
Teleconference: uoa.webex.com/meet/evousoura (only by apt.)