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Department of Psychology


Kostas Mylonas is Professor in Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. He has studied at the University of Athens, the University of Plymouth, and London University at University College London. He holds a B.A. in Greek Literature (1988), a B.Sc. in Psychology (1997), an M.Sc. in Experimental Methods in Psychology (1991), and a Ph.D. in Research Methods and Statistical-Metric Techniques in Psychology (1994). He was elected Lecturer in 2001, Assistant Professor (tenure track) in 2006, Assistant Professor in 2010, Associate Professor in 2012, and Professor in 2017. Teaching cources (since 1997): Research Methods in Psychology, Statistics in the Behavioral Science I and II, Multivariate Statistics, and Psychometrics I and II (as offered to the undergraduates of the Department of Psychology, and of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogics and Psychology). At the postgraduate level: Research Methods, Statistics, and Psychometrics to the M.A. and M.Sc. students of: Teaching of Modern Greek as a Foreign Language, Teaching Chemistry and IT applications, Socio-Cultural Education and Further Education for Animateurs, Teaching IT and Digital Systems, Basic and Applied Cognitive Science, Organizational and Economic Psychology, Occupational Counseling and Guidance, and School Psychology, and Clinical Psychology. Publications: Two Theses, Psychometrics textbook, seven books (co-author) on psychometric tools, one textbook on Statistics Theory and Applications using MS-Excel (2012 & 2018 -2nd Edition), one textbook on Inferential Statistics (2018), 39 Papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 21 Chapters in peer-reviewed volumes, and 14 Proceedings papers; K.M. has presented in more than 85 Greek and International Scientific Congresses, symposia & invited symposia, and invited lectures. He is the author of StatsExcelGR software and of five published statistical methods-tecnhiques and also the author/co-author of 16 published psychometric tools-tests of Greek and International use.    Citations: 1095.

Office: 505
Office hours: Wednesday 13:00-15:00 by appointment via mail. Validity: From Wednesday 5/3/2025 until the start of the June 2025 examination period.
Phone: +302107277584

Full CV details (along with publications and all other scientific activities) is available at