Vassiliki Lissy Canellopoulos is an Associate Professor of “Psychoanalytic approach in Clinical Psychology” at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and a psychoanalyst.
She studied psychology at the Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg and subsequently specialized in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology. She obtained her PhD at the same University elaborating her thesis on "The impact of parental discourse on the constitution of the subject". She made her psychoanalytic training in France and Greece. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses of clinical psychology and psychoanalysis.
She is a partner in research and seminars, and teaches in academic institutions and domestic and foreign university laboratories, such as, University Paris Diderot Paris Sorbonne Cité, UFREtudes Psychanalytiques, University of Angers UFR Sciences humaines et sociales Psychologie, the Laboratoire de Psychologie «Processus de Pensée et Interventions» PPI of the University of Angers, the Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire LPPL, the Séminaire trans-équipes de recherches «Pandora-Psychanalyse et processus de création» University Paris Diderot, Paris Sorbonne Cité, UFR-Etudes Psychanalytiques, the Collège International de l'Adolescence CILA, the Fine Arts School in Athens, the National Technical University of Athens. She is also responsible and coordinator of the Bilateral Agreement of scientific cooperation and Thesis Co-supervision Agreements between the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and the University of Paris Diderot Paris Sorbonne Cité. She is the head of the Laboratory of Clinical Research: Subjectivity and Social bond which she founded in 2017. She is a member of Séminaire Interuniversitaire Européen d'Enseignement et de Recherche de la Psychanalyse et de la Psychopathologie SIUEERPP, of the Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire LPPL, the Greek Psychological Society ELPSE, the Psychoanalytic Assosiation Freud Lacan and founding member of the Society for the Promotion of Education of Creative / Gifted / Talented children and Adolescents ΔΗΧΑΤΑΠΕ.
She belongs to the Scientific Committee of the magazine Recherches en Psychanalyse of the Doctoral School Recherches en Psychanalyse et Psychopathologie University Paris Diderot, to the scientific and editorial board of the journal for Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Art, Alitheia, but also collaborates as an evaluator with other Greek and international journals, such as the revue Psychology of the Greek Psychological Society, Eleftherna of the University of Crete and the revue Open Science. She has organized international symposiums and workshops in Greece and abroad in which she participates with communications, such as the International Congress of Psychoanalysis: "Creating and death. Death at work: otherness and mourning memory "(2008)," Contemporary self practices, body and subjectivities "(2010)," The Feminine "(2011)," Subject, subjectivity and body practices in contemporary society” (2012), "The body in crisis in psychoanalytic and medical discourse" (2014), the "5th National Congress of Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology" (2016) etc.
She organizes inter-university seminars with the University Paris Diderot UFR-Etudes Psychanalytiques and doctoral Summer Schools in cooperation with the Doctoral School of the University Paris Diderot UFR-Etudes Psychanalytiques and the University Sciences Po Paris. 2 She has a rich writing and research activity having authored more than 35 studies in the field of clinical psychology and psychoanalysis in Greek, French and English and has been involved in collaborative projects, as well as an editor of independent scientific publications. She has also participated with communications at many symposiums and workshops, many of which are published. Her research interests focus on the study of subjectivity within the contemporary social bond, paternal function within the social bond, fatherhood through assisted reproduction, difficulty of sexuation within the contemporary social bond, anorexia nervosa, jouissance and the relationship with the object in autoimmune diseases, pregnant women representations of motherhood and child and peri-natal symptoms.
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