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Department of Psychology
- Archontoula (Diana) Charila, PhD, clinical psychology, cell 544, office hours: Monday 11:00-12:00 (only by apt.) and Wednesay 11:00-12:00 (for internship practice, only by apt.), tel. (+30)2107277388, e-mail: aharila[at]psych.uoa[dot]gr
- Dr Vasiliki Nikolopoulou, PhD, cell 544, office hours: Wednesday 15:30-17:30, Thursday 11:00-12:00 (only by apt.), tel. (+30)2107277624, e-mail:
- Vasiliki Sapouna, PhD,social worker, cell 544, office hours: Wednesday 14:00-15:00 (only by apt.) and Friday 14:00-15:00 (only by apt.), tel. (+30)2107277585, e-mail: v_sapouna[at]psych.uoa[dot]gr
- Alexandra Mavrommati, teaching support, cell 504, office hours: Tuesday 12:00-14:00, Thursday 12:00-14:00, tel. (+30)2107277640, e-mail: amavrom[at]psych.uoa[dot]gr