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Department of Psychology



1. Aim

The Graduate Program in School Psychology, Department of Psychology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens has two tracks:

▪ “School Psychology” and

▪ “Applications of Psychology in the School Community”

with separate goals regarding training of postgraduate students.

The goal of the Graduate Program in School Psychology is the training of students in School Psychology, according to current international trends and practices in School Psychology and current educational, psychosocial and multicultural needs of school communities based on a scientist-practitioner model.

It is based on the multidimensional role of the school psychologist which involves: a) psychodiagnostic assessment and counseling of students, b)  consultation and collaboration with all members of the school community (educators, mental health specialists, parents), c) development, implementation and evaluation of prevention and intervention programs and school-family-community collaboration; d) enhancing positive relationships, mental resilience and well-being in the school community e) intercultural understanding and acceptance and advocacy for the needs and rights of children and adolescents, and f) crisis management in the school community.

The track of "School Psychology" provides professional psychologists with specialized training in order to work in mainstream schools, in schools of Special Education, Assessment and Counseling Centres, Refugee Reception and Education Facilities, High Schools of Intercultural, Music and Arts Education, and in Community Mental Health Centres as school psychologists.

The track of “Applications of Psychology in School Community” aims to train teachers and graduates of different Departments and provide them with specialized knowledge based on the interconnection of theory, research and practice at the context of the scientist-practitioner model of School Psychology. This model is based on current trends of Psychology and the current educational, psychosocial and multicultural needs of the school community, related to: a) learning, positive development and adjustment of all students in school, b) learning, adjustment and support of students with special educational needs and disabilities, (c) promotion and enhancement of teachers’ role as consultants, (d) implementation of prevention and intervention programs and crisis management programs in the school community, (e) cooperation among all members of the school community at the context of multidisciplinary teams, and (f) intercultural understanding and acceptance and advocacy for the needs and rights of children and adolescents.

See here for more information.