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Department of Psychology


Vasiliki Efstathiou is an Assistant Professor of Health Psychology. She holds a degree in Psychology from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences and is a graduate of the postgraduate programme "Liaison Psychiatry: Integrative Care for Physical and Mental Health" of the Medical School at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), as well as of the Postgraduate Programme "Biostatistics" of the Medical School and the Department of Mathematics at NKUA. She completed her doctoral dissertation in the Department of Psychology at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, focusing on patients' adherence to treatment for arterial hypertension".

She teaches at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and her research interests focus on health psychology-related topics, including treatment adherence, preventive behaviors, chronic illnesses, psychodermatology, psychological symptoms associated with physical illnesses etc.

She actively participates in national and international conferences, and has published in Greek and international scientific journals. She is a regular member of the Hellenic Psychological Society and a scientific associate in the Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry department of the 2nd Psychiatric Clinic at the "Attikon" University General Hospital.

Office: cell 523
Office hours: Wednesday 13:00-15:00 (only by apt.), (only by apt.)
Phone: 2107277641       